How to think in English?

Wed Nov 23, 2022

Thinking in your native language is no big deal. However, thinking in a language other than your mother tongue can be challenging. It is almost like swimming against the tide. But if you want to master a language the only way to do it is to be able to actively think in that language. This holds true for learning the English language as well. One could go on purchasing countless online English courses and still be struggling to form a sentence. To move forward in the journey of speaking English fluently, one needs to start thinking in English. Let’s take a look at some ways to achieve this.

Form sentences in your head

To begin with, you can observe things and people around you and start forming sentences in your mind. If you are at home and you see your child littering the marble floor, then you can try and form a sentence about that situation in your mind. You could say, “Stop littering the floor!” or “Please stop making a mess on the floor.”

Make it a habit to observe things around you and describe it in English in your mind. This step will further your goal of speaking English fluently.

Make it a point to learn phrases

According to a study published in the National Library of Medicine, the brain has superior pattern-processing capabilities as a survival mechanism. This means that learning phrases will help you put things into context. An example of a commonly used phrase is ‘I am looking for The usage of the phrase can be done as stated below:

I am looking for my water bottle.

Practice conversation sentences for different scenarios

After learning a few phrases and words, you can start using them in your day-to-day life. You can imagine certain scenarios and form relevant sentences to use them. One such scenario could be conversing with a salesperson at an apparel store.

Salesman: Hello Ma’am. Welcome to our store.

You: Hi. I want to buy a good sweater.

Salesman: Do you have a preferred color in mind?

You: Yes. I would like to see sweaters in shades of pink and blue.

Maintain a journal

A journal is usually a written record of the day’s events. But you can do the same in front of a mirror. Narrate the events of the entire day and be as elaborate as possible. You can do this by imagining that you are talking to a friend and telling them the events of the day.

Today was a regular day. I woke up and did yoga. I finished all the household chores and left for work. After a tiring day, I came home and took a shower. I had my dinner and went off to sleep.

This practice of going over your day will help you get into the habit of thinking in English.

Thinking in English is indeed a milestone in speaking English fluently. Make sure to follow these tips to learn English effectively. If you are pursuing an online English-speaking course, then these tips will bring your efforts to fruition.


Letstute (Universal Learning Aid Pvt. Ltd.) is an E-learning company based in Mumbai, India.