How To Talk In English | 11 Easy Steps To Speak English Better

Fri Sep 3, 2021

Speaking in English has many advantages. You could converse with people everywhere, you can watch Hollywood movies, you could listen to English songs and so many more.

It is difficult to learn how to talk in English if you don’t know-how. That is why we have brought to you 11 steps that will make this easier on you.

So let's get started.

Table Of Contents:

11 Easy Steps To Speak English Better

Step 1: Repeat Everything You Learn

You can improve your English speaking by watching movies or series. When you watch them, you should repeat all the sentences you learn aloud. If there are people around you, you could repeat them in your mind.

Not only movies and series though, when you are talking to someone and you like how they converse you should remember what they say and repeat it in your mind.

This will help you learn in different ways and from different places. It will help you speak better English.

Step 2: Learn Phrases

If you want to get better at talking in English you could try learning phrases. You could learn phrases for specific situations.

If you go to the market you could use the phrase “How much for a kilo of apples?” or if you are going to a parent-teacher meeting you could say “I would like to know how my child did in their exams” or “Ma’am, please could I see my report card?”

Preparing for specific situations will help you speak well with other people and eventually will help you get better at the language.

Step 3: Use What You Learn

If you learn something new because of movies or series or even people, you should try and use that immediately.

It doesn’t matter what you learn and from where, you should try to incorporate those things into conversations you have with people around you.

This is so that you don’t forget what you have learned. The more you use it the more you will remember it. And also, the more you use the things you learn the better you will get at speaking in English.

If you don’t want to try it out on people outside of your house that’s okay. You could first have a test run on your family members. When you are confident enough then you could speak to your neighbours and so on.

Step 4: Listen And Learn

An important part of speaking well is listening. You cannot have a conversation if you don’t listen to the person you are talking to.

You need to listen carefully to the people you converse with. You will not only be able to respond appropriately but you will also learn many things.

You will learn new words, new phrases, how to express yourself, how to communicate effectively, and so on. Learning all these things is important and will help you speak better.

Step 5: Practice Constantly

If you want to talk in English fluently you need to practice. Speaking to people around you like your family, friends and even neighbours will help you.

You need the practice to become good at something. If you want to become better at talking in English you need to practice constantly.

Even if you don’t have people around you to practice with don’t worry. You can practice on your own. You can speak to yourself and improve that way.

Yes, it sounds a little funny but it sure does work.

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Step 6: Learn From Reliable Sources

Nowadays, there are many websites that provide fake information. It is very important that you learn from reliable sources. You don’t want to learn incorrect English now, do you?

The most reliable sources are books. You can learn a lot from there. But if you don’t want to read a book you could check websites. When you do make sure you are familiar with the name of the site. For example, Ndtv or India today and so on.

These are news channels that everyone is familiar with. That’s how we know that the information being provided is not fake.

Step 7: Don’t Be Afraid To Make Mistakes

Being scared to make mistakes will hold you back from being the best version of yourself. You won’t be able to prosper if you are constantly afraid of failing.

You have to just accept that everyone makes mistakes and if you do too it’s okay. It’s what you do next that matters. Do you just give up or do you work harder?

Failure is a stepping stone to success. Use it like one. Nothing good comes without a little bit of hard work. So, dust yourself off and get right back up.

Step 8: Speak With Confidence

When you speak in English you need to talk with confidence. But what do you do to gain that confidence?

Well, the answer is to practice with people around you. If you want to talk with confidence, first you have to speak to people around you.

You need to practice with your friends and family and everyone around you. This is the only way you will be able to gain confidence.

Very soon you will be able to talk without hesitation. You will be able to communicate effectively with everyone around you.

Step 9: Read Aloud

Reading aloud has many benefits. It is one of the most effective ways you can practice alone, improve your vocabulary, and even your pronunciation.

It doesn’t matter what you are reading. Whether it is a cookbook, the news, a magazine, or even a novel, reading anything aloud will do you a lot of good.

If you want to talk in English, you need to improve your vocabulary and your pronunciation. They too are important. Reading aloud will help you do so.

Step 10: Learn Conversation Starters

Some people are good at making small talk whereas some people struggle with it. Small talk is a polite conversation about unimportant things.

For example, if you meet someone in the market and don’t know what to say you start a small conversation. But do you struggle with what to say?

Well, to fix this problem you could learn conversation starters. You learn conversation starters on any topic you like.

You could say “The sky is so dull today. It looks like it might rain” or “How have you been? I haven’t seen you in a long time” and so on.

Learning conversation starters will help you get the ball rolling. Once you start a conversation you will feel confident enough to carry it for some time.

Step 11: Join Online English-Speaking Classes

If you want to learn to talk in English quickly and in a limited period of time then you should join English speaking classes. This is the quickest way for you to learn.

If you are not in any hurry but want to learn well and from a professional then you too could join. English speaking classes cater to the needs of beginners as well as working professionals.

Whatever your specific need is, you will get it through these speaking classes. It will help you better than you can imagine.

After a week or two if not sooner, you will be able to see the difference in your life. You will be able to speak with confidence and with zero hesitations.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How can I chat in good English?

If you are able to speak good English you will be able to test it as well. On chat, auto-correct will also be there to help you. It will make your chatting experience easier.

2. How can I talk to strangers in English?

Like I have said before, you can learn conversation starters. Conversation starters that are generalized like about the weather or the environment can work on anyone around you, even strangers.

3. How to start a conversation in English?

The best conversation starter in English that you could use is “How are you?” or “Isn’t the weather pleasant today?” You could use them to start a conversation with anyone anywhere.

4. How to talk to someone professionally?

If you want to talk to someone professionally, you will have to practice speaking in English. You will have to practice speaking with confidence and without any hesitation.

5. How can I speak English very fast?

The fastest way to learn speaking in English would be by joining an English-speaking course. The trainers and professionals will help you learn at a quick pace.


Speaking in English is easy. But you do have to work hard and practice every chance you get.

With the help of the steps above, you will be speaking fluent English in no time.

Just believe in yourself. You will do great. Don’t be disappointed if you make mistakes.

Just try harder, I’m sure you will perfect it.

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Letstute (Universal Learning Aid Pvt. Ltd.) is an E-learning company based in Mumbai, India.