How To Make The Best Study Time Table

Fri Sep 3, 2021

Most of us are afraid of exams. But board exams are the most nerve-wracking ones. 

Normally, students tend to panic during this phase as they have only a few months left for preparation and they feel that the entire syllabus has piled up.

Studying during this time or reaching that goal is a big task. With all the stress and pressure to score well, students often remain confused as to what to study, when to study, and how much to study. Most of us complain about not getting enough time to study. How to put an end to all this confusion?

What is the solution to it? Well, the answer is a proper timetable and smart planning. This is why we have come up with some time management and timetable preparation tips which would definitely help you for your exams. Before we start, let me ask you a question. How much time in a day do you think one person has to study?

Many would say 4-5 hours or a maximum of 5-6 hours. Let us see if this is true. In a day there are 24 hours of which 7 hours are for sleeping, 2 hours for getting ready and having breakfast, 2 hours for lunch and dinner, 2 hours for watching tv, playing or breaks. What does this leave us with? That’s right. 11 hours. 11 precious hours for studying. Now you can no longer complain about not getting enough time to study.

5-Step Process To Make A Perfect Time Table

Now the main question is, how to make the study timetable? Firstly, you need to plan your timetable smartly. Subject and topic-wise planning are the smartest way to go about it.

Many of us would have already attempted making a timetable but have ended up feeling guilty for not being able to implement it. The reason we fail is that we make an overly restricted schedule.

The key to proper preparation is:

(1) Modify according to your need

(2) Analyze your strength and weakness

(3) Be practical

Step 1: List Of Subjects For the Time Table

Make a list of all the subjects for the timetable which you need to study.

Step 2: Background Research For The Study Time Table

Do background research for the study timetable like understanding the paper pattern, the maximum and minimum scores of the subject, etc.

For example- If we refer to a mathematics paper, you will be getting an 80 marks question paper with a time duration of 3 hours.

The questions will be divided into four sections.

Section C and D will have options on only a few questions.

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Step 3: Easy & Difficult Subjects For The Time Table

You need to categorize the easy and difficult subjects for the study timetable. For this, you can refer to your textbook and see the number of chapters and chapter-wise weightage for the respective topics.

Once you get to know the topics you have to decide which topics are easy and difficult according to you. Make a list of them.

Step 4: Actual Studying According To The Time Table

This step is obvious but you need to actually study according to the timetable. There can be multiple approaches. Some people can start with the easy topics and then take the difficult ones or vice versa. I would suggest that you do one difficult topic and one easy topic to maintain a balance.

Again, while selecting subjects some would prefer to study one single subject the whole day but instead, you should make a combination of subjects. In the morning when you are fresh you can study some theoretical subject and in the afternoon practice math which requires more attention and you won’t feel sleepy. Also, if you observe the paper pattern some topics have alternatives. You can answer A or B. So, you can ignore a couple of topics in options.

You may even strategize your preparation by trying to score minimum marks. Say, slightly above the passing marks in the subjects you are weak at. And compensating it by scoring very high marks in the subjects you are good at. This way the final percentage won’t be affected.

If there is very limited time left you may opt to study only the very important topics and not read the entire chapter. Whichever method you choose, how much ever time you study you should always remember to leave some time for revision.

Again, while planning your revision schedule first check your exam timetable and start with the last paper. Use the bottom to top approach so that as your exam date is nearing you will be doing the subject which comes first.

Please note: There are a few suggestive methods of studying. You may use them only if you have limited time.

Step 5: Divide The Number Of Days For Studying On The Study Time Table

You should divide the number of days for studying on the study timetable. Check the topics which are pending in each subject and allocate those many days for that subject. For example, if you need 20 days for science, 30 days for math and 15 days for English then mark that many days in the calendar.

Then, allocate 6 days for studying and practice and put the seventh day for revision of the topics which you have already covered. Here again, use combinations of subjects and to be on a safer side keep 1 or 2 extra days for that subject.

Make sure you follow the timetable and reach your target on time. Also, keep some days for sudden events like falling sick or if there is some specific family function which is unavoidable, etc. While splitting the time don’t overburden yourself. Take proper breaks, sleep on time, eat healthily and stay fit.

Another important thing that we often forget is to practice writing. We keep reading and studying but writing is important too. Try to solve a few previous year's question papers and complete them in the time which is specified.

So now, don’t you think the entire piled-up syllabus is split into achievable targets? You can now be tension-free and score well in your exams.

Frequently Asked Questions

1. How many hours should a student study per day?

A student should study for a minimum of 4-5 hours every day. It may be a little difficult in the start but you will definitely get used to it. In the end, studying for so long will benefit only you.

2. Which time is the best for study?

Each and every one of us has a different time of the day in which we can focus the most. You should find out when you can study best. Is it in the morning, afternoon or night? That’s when you will be able to do your best work.

3. How do I create a study schedule in excel?

Just as you would make a timetable on paper, the same rules apply. You can make a rough timetable on paper and then type it out in excel.

4. How can I memorize faster?

The fastest way to memorize something fast is by writing it down. The more often you write things down the more likely you are to remember them.


This is how you make a timetable for your studies or your school. You can use this timetable even when your exams are not nearby. Use it as your daily study timetable.

We hope you follow these rules and achieve the best marks possible.

All the best!

Letstute (Universal Learning Aid Pvt. Ltd.) is an E-learning company based in Mumbai, India.