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Thu Sep 2, 2021
Today we will be giving you 11 tips to learn English speaking at home.
Due to this pandemic, we are all stuck at home trying to be safe. But isn’t it getting a little boring? The same routine every day, no interaction with the outside world, nothing meaningful to do.
If you thought you would use this time wisely and start learning English you have made the right decision.
Let’s get on with it then.
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Learning English is something we all want to do but some people feel lazy when the time actually comes. Lazy to dress up and go and sit for a class.
They look for easier ways to achieve their goal and right now this is it. To learn English speaking without leaving home. From the comfort of your bed or couch.
That's not the only reason though. Some people have very busy schedules and can't make it to classes but does that mean they don't want to learn? Definitely not. They do want to but they just don't have the time.
That's when these tips will come in handy. You can use these tips any time of the day and see how they work like a charm.
This doesn’t necessarily mean shifting houses or countries. You can stay right where you are but what you will have to do is surround yourself with English. Surround yourself with people who talk in English or watch tv in English and so on.
Even staying at home is possible. If you are busy doing something you can keep the television on in the background and pay attention to the language. To the words being used and the way the people communicate.
For this, you don’t have to go out of your way to do so. Like I said it can just play in the background. Your subconscious mind will automatically pick it up. Don’t you worry about that?
Today, most of us cannot do without our phones. We need it to interact with our friends, families, and colleagues. This isn’t a bad thing. You can use this to your advantage.
When your friends and you are on a call or are on Whatsapp try talking to them in English. It will give you practice as well as confidence. Since they are your friends you won’t even be nervous to talk to them.
Your friends are always there to support you and you know that they’d never make fun of you. That would be one of the best places to start speaking in English to gain confidence.
Learning in groups is much more effective than learning alone. This is because if you have a doubt you can ask one of your peers to help you out.
You won’t feel embarrassed to ask them anything because you know that all of you are on the same level of understanding.
Also, if it is the other way around and one of your peers asks you to clear one of their doubts on the subject you already know, you will be able to. Teaching someone else something you already know helps you learn better.
Joining a study group doesn’t mean you need to meet the people to study. It can also be done online. There are many various platforms on which this can be done.
This is one of the best ways to learn English from home. This is because online classes can be adjusted according to your convenience.
Online classes are basically a pack of videos relating to the subject that are pre-recorded. When you purchase this pack, you will be able to see how many videos are there and for how long each video is.
If someday you are busy, you can avoid taking the class and get back to it once you are free. That is the beauty of these classes. You are completely in charge and don’t have to depend on anyone.
If you are bored at home with nothing to do, you could put on a movie. But make sure it is in English. You want a little education along with entertainment, right?
Now when you watch the movie you should pay attention to the characters. What they are saying, why they are saying those things, the expressions they use while communicating and so on.
All these things are important while communicating in English. Once you get the practice you too will be able to do so fluently.
If you don’t want to watch a movie or pay attention to it then when you are relaxing or just sitting idly put on some English music. Listen to the words, listen to the rhythm. It is easier to memorize words and sentences when they have a tune.
If you are listening to something you could also repeat it after the person saying it. This is so that you learn how to pronounce sentences the correct way.
It is said that you learn the most from watching or imitating people. If this is the case it will be very easy for you to learn fluent English at home.
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Now what I need you to do is, take one book and keep it as your personal diary. You will have to write down everything you do during the day.
Provide details like at this certain time I was hungry and so I went to eat a sandwich. This will be good practice for you to think and write in English.
Along with speaking, even writing is important. Writing down daily events is very easy if you are at home. You can either carry your book around or even keep it in one place and keep going back to it.
Make another book for all the words you find tough every day. At the end of the day go through your list and google each one of them. Make note of the meaning and how to use it in a sentence. When you can, try and use these words while talking to people. It will help you increase your vocabulary & grammar.
There are many English channels available nowadays. Whether it is for movies, series, music, news, or even sports. Take your pick. Go with what you feel most comfortable with.
The more you hear people talking in English the more you get used to the language. As long as you listen and understand what the people are saying the more practice you will get.
Sports and news channels are the best to understand the English language. Yes, it may be a little difficult at the start but you will get used to it.
Very often we speak in our native language or the language we are already used to. We do think without thinking even for a second. But if you want to speak English easily at home you will have to get used to speaking in English.
Make it a habit. No matter what anyone says to you, try and respond in English. Take a few minutes to think about how you want to respond and what you want to say. Then, say all that in English.
Once you get used to doing this, you will be able to answer people and speak to them fluently without thinking about it.
Interactive online courses mean a live session wherein someone teaches you English.
In the regular online classes, there are pre-recorded videos. This means you will just be listening and understanding. You won’t be communicating with anyone.
In interactive online classes, you will be given a tutor who will teach you a specified number of topics you need to know to speak fluent English.
Classes in which a tutor is present are far more fun and helpful. You will be able to ask them your doubts and have them clear them. In pre-recorded videos, you don’t have this advantage.
If you think you won’t have much freedom in interactive classes then well, you’re wrong. These classes can be scheduled whenever you want them. If in case you can’t make it for the class or don’t have time, all it takes is just one phone call.
Interactive classes help you learn English speaking fast at home and are easier to understand. This would be one of the best ways to learn English while sitting at home.
When I say use proper sources, I mean use well-renowned websites or social media pages. When you do so you will know that you are getting the best information there is.
You will know that you are learning well and above that you will know you are learning the right thing.
If you do not check the sites you learn from, you might learn wrong English and we do not want that now do we?
You need to make sure you are getting proper information because there is no use in learning and speaking the wrong English. You need the best.
Reading in English will be a little difficult initially but once you get the hang of it you will be all set.
Reading can significantly improve your English speaking skills quickly at home as well as your vocabulary. You will be able to speak fluently within only a few days. Isn’t that great?
Reading can mean anything. Literally anything. You can read books, magazines, newspapers, articles, blogs, and whatnot. If reading is going to help you in the end then why not do whatever it takes?
Reading has many more advantages than watching tv. Reading is definitely better and will help you much more. It keeps your mind sharp and improves your imagination. Try to read as much as possible if you want to get better at this language.
One of the best and fastest ways to learn English at home would be by joining online courses. Whether they are regular or interactive is totally up to you. You could go with whatever you feel comfortable with.
The best app for English speaking is ‘Hellotalk’. It is available on the play store for free. You could download it right now and get learning.
English is an easy language to learn if you take the time to actually learn it. You need to be dedicated and work towards it. If you are focused then yes, English will be very easy for you to learn.
The fees for spoken English courses vary depending on the company. Some companies offer a minimum of Rs. 99 for a course and can go up to Rs. 9,000 depending on the package.
You need to check what is being taught in which package deal and then purchase them.
Yes, it is definitely possible. If you stay focused enough and work hard you could probably learn English in just a month. With the right training, it is possible.
English is very easy to study and a fun language to learn. There are so many advantages to speaking in English.
If you have a chance to learn English from your own home you should grab this opportunity as it does not come around often.
Make full use of your time. Do something worthwhile that will help you in the long run.
If you have any doubts about something or need tips on a specific topic, leave a comment below and I will definitely find a way to help you.
Letstute (Universal Learning Aid Pvt. Ltd.) is an E-learning company based in Mumbai, India.